Source code for ccr.session

import re
import logging
import requests
from ccr.ccr import *

__all__ = ["Session", "PackageNotFound", "InvalidPackage", "CCRWarning"]

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format='>> %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

[docs]class InvalidPackage(TypeError): """Invalid package or wrong file type"""
[docs]class CCRWarning(Warning): """Base class for all other warnings"""
class _VoteWarning(CCRWarning): """Voting didn't work""" class _FlagWarning(CCRWarning): """Flagging as outdated didn't work""" class _DeleteWarning(CCRWarning): """Delete didn't work""" class _NotifyWarning(CCRWarning): """Setting the Notification didn't work""" class _OwnershipWarning(CCRWarning): """Adopting a package failed""" class _SubmitWarning(CCRWarning): """Submitting failed""" class _CategoryWarning(CCRWarning): """Setting the category failed"""
[docs]class Session(object): """class for all CCR actions """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, rememberme=False): self._cat2number = { "none": 1, "daemons": 2, "devel": 3, "editors": 4, "emulators": 5, "games": 6, "gnome": 7, "i18n": 8, "kde": 9, "lib": 10, "modules": 11, "multimedia": 12, "network": 13, "office": 14, "educational": 15, "system": 16, "x11": 17, "utils": 18, "lib32": 19, } self._session = requests.session() if username and password is not None: self._username = username self.authenticate(username, password, rememberme) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """end the session""" self._session.close()
[docs] def authenticate(self, username, password, rememberme=False): """authenticate on CCR raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a ValueError if login fails """ remember_me = "on" if rememberme else "off" data = { 'user': username, 'passwd': password, 'remember_me': remember_me, }, data) if not "AURSID" in self._session.cookies: logging.debug("There was an error logging in. " "Please check if username and password are correct") raise ValueError(username, password)
[docs] def check_vote(self, package, return_id=False): """check to see if you have already voted for a package raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur """ try: ccrid = info(package).ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) response = self._session.get(CCR_PKG + "?ID=" + ccrid).text if "class='button' name='do_UnVote'" in response: return (True, ccrid) if return_id else True else: return (False, ccrid) if return_id else False
[docs] def vote(self, package): """vote for a package on CCR raises a PackageNotFound if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _VoteWarning if it is already voted or if it couldn't vote """ # check_vote might raise PackageNotFound voted, ccrid = self.check_vote(package, return_id=True) if voted: raise _VoteWarning("Already voted!") # package is already voted data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_Vote": 1, }, data=data) # check if the package is voted now if not self.check_vote(package): raise _VoteWarning("Couldn't vote for {}".format(package))
[docs] def unvote(self, package): """unvote a package on CCR raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _VoteWarning if it is already unvoted or if it couldn't unvote """ # check_vote might raise PackageNotFound voted, ccrid = self.check_vote(package, return_id=True) if not voted: raise _VoteWarning("Already unvoted or never voted!") # package didn't have a vote or never voted data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_UnVote": 1, }, data=data) # check if the package is unvoted now if self.check_vote(package): raise _VoteWarning("Couldn't unvote {}".format(package))
[docs] def flag(self, package): """flag a CCR package as out of date raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _FlagWarning on failure """ try: ccrid = info(package).ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_Flag": 1, }, data=data) if info(package).OutOfDate == "0": raise _FlagWarning("Couldn't flag {} as out of date".format(package))
[docs] def unflag(self, package): """unflag a CCR package as out of date raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _FlagWarning on failure """ try: ccrid = info(package).ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_UnFlag": 1, }, data=data) if info(package).OutOfDate == "1": raise _FlagWarning("Couldn't remove flag".format(package))
[docs] def notify(self, package): """set the notify flag on a package raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _NotifyWarning on failure """ try: ccrid = info(package).ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_Notify": 1, } response =, data=data).text # FIXME use a more stable check if "<option value='do_UnNotify'" not in response: raise _NotifyWarning(response)
[docs] def unnotify(self, package): """unset the notify flag on a package raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _NotifyWarning on failure """ try: ccrid = info(package).ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_UnNotify": 1, } response =, data=data) if "<option value='do_Notify'" not in response.text: raise _NotifyWarning(response)
[docs] def adopt(self, package): """adopt an orphaned CCR package raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _OwnershipWarning if the package is already maintained or if it fails """ try: pkginfo = info(package) ccrid = pkginfo.ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) if pkginfo.MaintainerUID != "0": logging.warning("Warning: Adopting maintained package!") raise _OwnershipWarning("Couldn't adopt {} : already maintained.".format(package)) data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_Adopt": 1, }, data=data) try: pkginfo = info(package) except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) if pkginfo.Maintainer != self._username: raise _OwnershipWarning("Couldn't adopt {}".format(package))
[docs] def disown(self, package): """disown a CCR package raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _OwnershipWarning on failure """ try: pkginfo = info(package) ccrid = pkginfo.ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_Disown": 1, }, data=data) if info(package).MaintainerUID != "0": raise _OwnershipWarning("Couldn't disown {}".format(package))
[docs] def submit(self, f, category): """submit a package to CCR raises KeyError on bad category raises IOError [Errno 2] if 'f' does not exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur """ error = re.compile(r"<span class='error'>(?P<message>.*)</span>") data = { "pkgsubmit": 1, "category": self._cat2number[category], } files = {'pfile': open(f, "rb")} response =, data=data, files=files) error_message =, response.text) if error_message: raise InvalidPackage(error_message.groupdict()["message"]) if "pkgbuild_view.php?p=" not in response.text: raise _SubmitWarning("Couldn't submit {}".format(f))
[docs] def delete(self, package): """delete a package from CCR raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a ConnectionError if a network error occur raises a _DeleteWarning on failure """ #FIXME Throw two exceptions if package doesn't exists try: pkginfo = info(package) ccrid = pkginfo.ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) data = { "IDs[%s]" % ccrid: 1, "ID": ccrid, "do_Delete": 1, "confirm_Delete": 0, }, data=data) # test if the package still exists <==> delete wasn't succesful # FIXME use _getccr for a quicker check, avoiding the need to catch the exception try: #FIXME Throw WARNING - Package couldn't be found info(package) raise _DeleteWarning("Couldn't delete {}".format(package)) except PackageNotFound: pass # everything works
[docs] def setcategory(self, package, category): """change/set the category of a package already in the CCR raises a PackageNotFound exception if the package doesn't exist raises a requests.ConnectionError if a network error occur raises _CategoryWarning for an invalid category or if it fails. """ try: pkginfo = info(package) ccrid = pkginfo.ID except (ValueError, KeyError): raise PackageNotFound(package) try: data = { "action": "do_ChangeCategory", "category_id": self._cat2number[category], } except KeyError: raise _CategoryWarning("Invalid category!") pkgurl = CCR_PKG + "?ID=" + ccrid response =, data=data) #FIXME find a more stable check checkstr = "selected='selected'>" + category + "</option>" if checkstr not in response.text: raise _CategoryWarning(response.text)